In my recent studies, I seem to have found a few things that interest me. I wold like to give them to you, and see what you think
1. Paul was never a pastor
2. From Acts 1 on, there is no instance of a Pastor preaching to "flock". The great sermons were always to large groups of the lost, and church teaching seems to have been done in a Home Group setup
What do you think?
5 years ago
1 comment:
This morning when I was praying and asking God for scripture to study he sent me to Acts: 20…I read it in the KJV then again in the Christian Standard version; I couldn’t help but think of your post.
So here goes…
I think ….it doesn’t matter if you actually bear the title of “pastor” or not…those who are truly called by God receive the gift of guidance and heart from His Holy Spirit…and let’s face it Paul didn’t need the title he wore the robe, he walked the walk...In verse 31 he speaks of his love and dedication to those he was among, He loved and taught and warned of the things that might come against them. Imagine three years of tears, night and day!
It may be true that there were no “instances” of a pastor preaching to a “flock” but I could not help but wonder why in two different versions of the Bible in Acts 20:28 he (Paul) said “take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the Flock (capitalized) over the which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the Church of God which He has purchased with His Own Blood”.
He might not have been a “pastor” but in verse 25 he does speak of his preaching the Kingdom of God.
Would the title of pastor have made him a more worthy man of God? A more willing servant of the Kingdom? I don’t think so. He lived and preached his life following the leading of the Holy Spirit; he put no restrictions on what he would and would not do to reach the lost…by his own words he said he held nothing back that might be profitable unto them. Pastor or not his ministry was beyond remarkable, and left and incredible mark upon the world.
And in conclusion, New Testament scenarios are usually gatherings of large groups of people in market places, synagogs or home settings, even Paul said he taught publicly and from house to house, unfortunately they were not afforded the luxury of beautiful church buildings and were left with no choice but to gather “wherever”. Don’t you know they would have appreciated the luxury of air-conditioning and heating.
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