So I thought it was cool how heaven's priorities have not changed. Sunday, we learned from Isaiah 6 how that Heaven's priorities are:
1. Get the Lost Lost
2. Get the Lost Saved
3. Get the Saved Serving
This is the Great Commission made over.
What have you done to help a lost soul see their lost condition lately?
How have you helped someone see how to be saved?
How have you helped a new believer begin to serve in a more mature way(and yes that is expected of you too)?
5 years ago
I wish it was as easy for me to keep my priorities in order...but unfortunately it isn't ...I fail miserably..
I wish I could list here all the really great things that I've been doing to reach the lost.....again I fail miserably...
But, something I have been doing is "trying" to listen more to what God is trying to tell me.... I am praying about things in a different direction and I know if I continue to pay attention the rest of the things I should be doing daily for God will fall into place...and he will honor me with the opportunity of sharing the good news with others.
How can he possibly use me when I am not spiritually equipped....joyful and excited about what I am doing for him...
I didn't respond to your previous post on the "Foci" of our intentions..but I have been thinking it all over...are we really having outstanding worship services, are we really Ready to plant new churches, are the programs we have in place really the best they could possibly be....are we reaching out to the very people that surround us already, that we may be meeting with weekly or seeing and talking to daily.
Don't you think that in this too, that if we are spiritually strong, and equipped that God would allow us new opportunities and growth automatically...
I like the wording, say hi to my uncle for me.
Man Debby, you wanna preach sunday? I'm excited about your excitement. I do think that God blesses us with opportunities when we are faithful to Him. I also think that many times, we can't become stronger until we take advantage of some obvious opportunities He gives us.
I'm ready, put me up there...Sue and I have had such a GREAT thing is for certain..GOD is on the Throne and he loves our(all of us) praise and worship...we have truly set our (me and Sue) hearts in a new direction of prayer and praise and God has heard our prayers, and we have already been seeing results. (we are going to need to order more tracts).
We want our excitement and joy to be contagious, and we have vowed (yes vowed) to one another that we will never allow anything or anyone to rob us of our joy and love that we feel in loving and serving the Lord ..we are in this to win it !!!!!
I wasn't going to ..but feel like I need to address what you said about "obvious opportunities"..
I think sometimes at our church
(I am including myself here too..not pointing fingers) we spend so much time talking about what we should be doing that the very "obvious" things and people we could use to accomplish some of these opportunities get passed by, We seem to be so afraid to step out and do anything outside of the norm so we just sit and say next year..
We should have had a booth at the RCEC today but again we let an opportunity to reach a large amount of people slip through our hands. How can we continue to talk outreach when our hearts aren't really in it...
Yeah, we missed an opportunity there. That fell through cracks of communication. Your excitement will be contagious if you stick with it. I forget many times that it took almost a year before our excitement finally took in the young adult small group.
Stay with it, talk about it often, and bring someone else alongside you guys as you grow this way. that is church growth. If the excited would disciple the unexcited we'd all get excited and we would have no limit to our potential. I'm proud and praying for you.
Jason, is Cory your uncle ?
Why didn't I know this ...hhhmmmmmm
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