So I checked out this Paul Maurice Guy from the other blog. He is terminally ill, bed-ridden, and writing a book that encourages us to create inter-faith dialogues. He basically wants us all to find our own "Divine" and worship it how we want to, and therefore become friends. From His site I found another blog called liberaljesus(the name alone speaks volumes). This guy has a discussion going about why he stopped going to church. He said, and I quote,
"Instead of singing, I spent my time trying to translate the song lyrics into metaphors I could affirm.Instead of praying, I spent my time pondering the moral bankruptcy of a God who would grant any of our prayer requests, while every day, thousands of people starved to death. I tried not to be appalled at people who would follow such a God."
This is what he was doing at church. No wonder he didn't like it. That got me hot. I was ready to fight.....then I read the comments. It was filled with people who praised him and told him how they were in the same battle. They truly found peace when they stopped "playing the game" and learned to "worship in their own way". This was not a blog based out of New York, LA, or even was in Abeline, home of Abeline Christian University.
I stopped being mad and became overwhelmed with sadness. Our world is filled with this mentality. Our churches still spend most(I think 90+%) of our time doing things that edify us. This is not wrong in and of itself, but there is so much more to do. I wonder how much time(percentage wise) God would have us spend on ourselves as opposed to on the world.
It bothers me to no end how that if someone wants to do an out of the box ministry and reach out, they are tagged as fanatic, liberal, or stupid. The fact that these ministries are considered "out of the box" is a testament unto itself. I just wish God would give us a few choice expletives for times like this. I'm so mad, sad, annoyed, and defeated right now, I want to spit!!!!!
God help us, God save them
4 years ago
I understand your anger and sadness.
But, on the other hand God did warn us in 1 Thess. 5: 21, 22 to test everything rather than believing blindly.
I think these New Wave, New Age beliefs and religions (out of the box ministries)are part of what he was talking about.
These believers and religions are full of deceptions, things sound good but the truth gets twisted and people get tricked (and who do you think is doing the tricking) into being led away from God. They think their salvation is finding your higher devine self.
How sad especially for people like Paul Martin who is terminally ill and whose time could be running out.
I pray that he and those like him learn the truth before it is too late, and that we continue to stand firm in the Truth.
I think it's a raving lunatic that is ranting...
Perhaps its the "easy button" religion. Wouldn't it be easier to not go to church, not cook a dinner for a member who's sick, not tithe a measely (did I spell that right?) 10% of what we are allowed by God to earn. You hear it all too often that all you need to do is be a good person to get to heaven, just be nice and you get a free pass. Say "yes ma'am" a few times and your in like flint!!
Personally I find peace many places in my life, out in my woodshop, fishing with my son, having a cup of coffee with my wife. But not so unusual that 'true' peace was found only after I found a church home and was saved. Only then, when I was I no longer worried about the salvation and future of my family, was I truly at peace. Funny how I didn't know that what I was looking for it until I found it.
It is sad that there are so called teachers out there leading people in the wrong direction, only to make themselves feel better about the shallow lives they are leading. Seeking affirmation that the things they do not as bad as they 'know' they are. Kind of like Jeremiah Wright, leading such a very large congregation to harbor so much hate and resentment, all in the name of God. Something tells me though, that Jesus has a special fate lined of for those....
Maybe thats the saddest thing of all.
Debby- You're right. We've gotta remember who's behind it all. It really irks me that we(Christians) are so blind to the battle. We don't need to know who is behind it all because we don't see a problem in the first place. I'm ready to grab that old serpent by the tail!!!
Josh- Isn't sad how people with bad ideas alway find people to validate them. I just wonder if it started with a Christian who let this guy speak his mind because he didn't want to offend him.
Offensive is not always bad. Sin is offensive to God, and hearing you are a sinner is offensive to man. in Christian love(don't you love how this necessary beginning takes the power from the end)we need to get dirty and offend satan because he is offending our God and offending us by guiding our friends and families to hell. He's a stupid jerk!
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