"Change is the seedbed for conflict"
These are wise words that we should remember. Conflict is not always a bad thing. It causes us to either change for the better or become reassured in what we are doing. Many times change occurs because someone's territory is being threatened. We can all say that we understand that Satan has had territory in our church. It has rocked along for a while with very little growth causing us to become very introverted. The Great Commission is extroverted.
Let us be encouraged that conflict has begun. Without it we could wonder hopelessly at whether or not we are finally taking back God's territory. We know for sure now. We are as the Israelites slowly taking the Promised Land. They fought people after people and even fought amongst themselves. You cannot take territory with a passion that is God ordained without conflict.
Praise God for the proof.
Conflict is Satan's warning signal. He is telling us, "You'd better stay back. You're on my land and I've got a gun". Forget him. He stinks!
5 years ago
lol. Satan stinks indeed!
Conflict is quite often a good thing. I think of the purpose of conflict in marriage. Sometimes the conflict is an indicator of deeper rooted problems that need to be brought up. The conflict works as a conversation starter and is the beginning of the road to fixing the problem.
And again, if God is for us who can be against us?
I really don't think conflict in itself is wrong...What is wrong is how we (people) respond to it...
I've learned quite a lesson in the past couple of weeks, I know now that when I react to others who have a problem and attack me; in order to allow God to intervene and handle things, I HAVE to react in a way that Honors HIM...
I've learned that conflict within the church even between two people can undermine the morale of my Pastor(s)and parts of the congregation which allows satan to have a foothold in our midst...
I do not claim to be a mature Christian with all the answers and I don't always handle everything right.. But I'm GROWING and LEARING. I am going to continue to grow! I'm heeding the Warning..
I am going to take to heart, Cory, what you said last night about "Our behavior hinging on our view of God, we do have to seek Him to see Him; to be armed and ready !!!
And, yeah satan does stink!
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