The sermon last night on Revelation 5 led to some interseting conversation about the rapture of the saints. The idea that we will taken out before the tribulation is the most prevalent view. There are reasons for that that I will not discuss. I personally feel that scripture shows us that we will be here to see it. These are just things for you to consider, I'm am not bothered if you think differently. A healthy discussion is the best way to gain knowledge.
1. God, at every other point in history, saw fit to allow His people to go through great tibulation and persecution.
2. Revelation aside, II Thessalonians 2 is written by Paul because they had been told that the end had already come and they missed it. It teaches that it will not occur except a. a great falling away occurs b. The antichrist be revealed c. The antichrist is seen in the Temple setting himself up as God.
3. In Matthew 24, known as the Olivet Discourse, Jesus tells us that the generation that sees the beginning of the end will see it all.
I know that there are other verses that can be used for the other argument, but in the light of this passage, they may have to be rethought. Just something to think about.
What do you think?
5 years ago
The pre-tribution rapture view has been the one I am most familiar with since becoming a Christian.
My interest in Bible prophesy began early in my spiritual walk. I have to admit that in recent years it has not been my focus while studying the Bible.
The sermon on Revelation 5 has rekindled my interest in end time events. It is awesome that God, who orchestrates even the smallest details of events also loves us so much that He counts the hairs on our heads. Our God is truly GREAT!
Debby, my LTG partner and best friend, and I have decided to begin an indepth study of Bible prophesy.
Thanks for inspiring us to become LTG partners and for renewing our interest in end time events.
The world we live in is in such a state that I wonder how much longer God will strive with man.
I have looking forward to hearing more about your view on when the rapture may occur.
Correction on last comment:
I AM looking forward to hearing more about your view on the rapture and when it may occur.
(I got in a hurry and sent it before previewing the last comment).
Today I began the indepth Bible study of end time events. Debby and I had prayed for the Lord to show us something new and exciting about Himself this week.
Already He is revealing Himself in new ways. How exciting it is to know God. We prayed that God would give us a desire to want to KNOW HIM better each day. That's what "going to the next level" is all about we have realized.
We will never be able to completely KNOW GOD in this lifetime, however, He wants us to know Him better each and every day.
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